A spare room for god’s purpose. 20 years for 25 people.
This book is a true story of a prayer, the spare room that came because of that prayer and a promise made to God should that prayer be answered. The lives of twenty-five strangers passed through, what was our ordinary life over a span of twenty-five years. An incredible read that reflects the journey of the best kind of life lived… It could be your life because it is the everyday life, with its trails and hurts. The creation of each person from my memory, paints a moment, a subconscious thought of each person gone before. My prayer is that through this ‘easy read book’ is that you will have the veil lifted from your eyes and see that when Jesus said; ‘I will never leave you’, he never did.
About Jacques
Jacques is a humble Christian who loves writing and follows the Lord’s word, seeking his guidance to grow and to overcome. She is a remarkable women with a gift for storytelling.
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Lorem Ipsum 3
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus molestie at dolor nec lacinia. Nullam euismod sit amet nibh eu viverra. Integer at ipsum lacinia, semper magna at, tincidunt magna. Curabitur efficitur mollis finibus. Aliquam volutpat mattis luctus....
Lorem Ipsum 2
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus molestie at dolor nec lacinia. Nullam euismod sit amet nibh eu viverra. Integer at ipsum lacinia, semper magna at, tincidunt magna. Curabitur efficitur mollis finibus. Aliquam volutpat mattis luctus....
Lorem Ipsum
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus molestie at dolor nec lacinia. Nullam euismod sit amet nibh eu viverra. Integer at ipsum lacinia, semper magna at, tincidunt magna. Curabitur efficitur mollis finibus. Aliquam volutpat mattis luctus....